Temps requis :
15 minutes or less
Vous venez d’apprendre les habiletés nécessaires pour compléter ce projet, ou vous ne les avez mises en pratique que quelques fois auparavant.

Collier hexagone en macramé couleur olive

Ce pendentif de style bohémien est un projet de macramé fait à la main pour la tendance des années 70. Le cordon tressé est un mélange de polycoton doux qui permet de réaliser ce projet très facilement en 15 minutes ou moins!
Étape 1

Measure and cut three 10" [25.4 cm] lengths of macramé cord. Set two aside.

Étape 2

Fold the first cord in half. Slide the fold through the middle of the wood hexagon pendant, pull the ends up and around the bar this runs across the middle of the pendant. Thread the ends through the fold and pull them tight so the fold fits against the bar to form a lark’s head knot.

Étape 3

Slide the knot to the middle of the bar and separate the cords hanging down and hanging down the back of the pendant. Fold one cord so the bend is just below the bottom edge of the pendant and bring the end up and around the bottom of the pendant. Now thread the end through the fold and pull tight to form a half lark’s head knot. Slide down so it rests right at the bend of the pendant at the very bottom. Repeat with the second cord hanging down on the other side of the pendant’s bottom bend.

Étape 4

Repeat Step 2 with the second and third cords you set aside in Step 1. Work one on the right of the cord from Step 2 and one on the right of the cord from Step 2.

Étape 5

Repeat Step 3 with the cords from one side and make the half lark’s head knots but attach them to the same side of the half lark’s head knots from Step 3. Repeat for the other side.
TIP: Use the image as a guide.

Étape 6

Use the comb to fringe the cording below the knots below the pendant. Trim the ends to the shape in a “V”.

Étape 7

Attach the pendant to the middle link of a chain.
TIP: To open and close a jump ring, simply grasp the jump ring on both sides with chain nose pliers and twist the ring open, from side-to-side. Never pull the jump ring which can cause distortion.

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Vous aurez également besoin de
  • Règle
  • 1 - Assortiment de pendentifs en bois hexagone pour macramé Bead Landing (SKU 10650515)
  • 1 - Peigne pour macramé Bead Landing, 19,3 cm (SKU 10650523)
  • 1 - Paquet économique de bobines de cordon à macramé vert Bead Landing, 17,8 m (SKU 10650787)
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