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caron® blossom cakes™ knit cardigan

The texture in this lush cardigan is created by a simple two row pattern repeat, which is easily memorized, making this a great relaxation knit!

Step 1

GAUGE: 16 sts and 24 rows = 4" [10 cm] with larger needles in pat
 - Extra-Small/Small: 28"-34" [71-86.5 cm] (Chest); 44" [1125 cm] (Finished)
 - Medium: 36"-38" [91.5-96.5 cm] (Chest); 47" [119.5 cm] (Finished)
 - Large: 40"-42" [101.5-106.5 cm] (Chest); 50" [127 cm] (Finished)
 - Extra-Large: 44"-46" [112-117 cm] (Chest); 55" [139.5 cm] (Finished)
 - 2/3 Extra-Large: 48"-54" [122-137 cm] (Chest); 60" [152.5 cm] (Finished)
 - 4/5 Extra-Large: 56"-62" [142-157.5 cm] (Chest); 66" [167.5 cm] (Finished)
 - Ssk (Slip. Slip. Knit): Slip next 2 stitches knitwise one at a time. Pass them back onto left-hand needle, then knit through back loops together

Step 2

Click here for diagram.
The instructions are written for smallest size. If changes are necessary for larger sizes the instructions will be written thus (  ).
Note: Cardigan is worked in one piece from lower edge to armholes.
Work back and forth across circular needles in rows. Do not join.
With smaller needle, cast on 183 (195-207-227-247-271) Sts. Do not join in Rnd. Working back and forth across needle, proceed as follows:
Row 1: (RS). Sl1. *P1. K1. Rep from * to end of row.
Row 2: Sl1. *K1. P1. Rep from * to end of row.
Rep last 2 rows of (K1. P1) ribbing twice more, ending on a WS row and Dec 1 st at centre of last row. 182 (194-206-226-246-270) sts.
Change to larger needle and proceed as follows:
Row 1: (RS). Sl1. P1. (K1. P1) twice. *K2. P2. Rep from * to last 8 sts. K2. (P1. K1) 3 times.
Row 2: Sl1. (K1. P1) twice. K1. Knit to last 6 sts. (K1. P1) 3 times.
Rep last 2 rows for pat and (K1. P1) front edges until work from beg measures 23" [58.5 cm], ending on a 2nd row.
Divide for Right Front:
Row 1: (RS). Sl1. P1. (K1. P1) twice. Pat across 42 (44-48-54-58-64) sts. Turn. Leave rem Sts unworked.
Right Front V-neck Shaping:
Work 1 row even in pat.
Row 1: (RS). Sl1. P1. (K1. P1) twice. Ssk. Pat to end of row.
Row 2: Pat to last 6 Sts. (K1. P1) 3 times.
Rep last 2 rows 9 (3-6-15-9-14) times more. 38 (46-47-44-54-55) sts.
Proceed as follows:
Row 1: (RS). Sl1. P1. (K1. P1) twice. Ssk. Pat to end of row.
Row 2: Pat to last 6 Sts. (K1. P1) 3 times.
Row 3: Sl1. P1. (K1. P1) twice. Pat to end of row.
Row 4: As Row 2.
Rep last 4 rows 5 (8-7-3-7-5) times more. 32 (37-39-40-46-49) sts.
Cont even in pat until armhole measures 9" (9½"-10"-10½"-11"-11½") [23 cm (24 cm-25.5 cm-26.5 cm-28 cm-29 cm)], ending on a RS row.

Step 3

Shape Shoulder:
Next Row: (WS). Cast off 5 (6-7-7-8-8) Sts. Pat to last 6 Sts. (P1. K1) 3 times.
Next Row: Sl1. (P1. K1) twice. Pat to end of row.
Rep last 2 rows 4 times more.
Next row: (WS). Cast off 6 (6-3-4-5-8) sts. (1 st rem after cast off). (K1. P1) 3 times.
Work on rem 7 Sts for back neck edging:
Row 1: (RS). Sl1. (P1. K1) 3 times.
Row 2: (K1. P1) 3 times. K1.
Rep last 2 rows for 4" (4"-4"-4¾"-4¾"-5½") [10 cm (10 cm-10 cm-12 cm-12 cm-14 cm)], ending on a WS row.
Cast off.

With RS facing, join yarn and pat across next 86 (94-98-106-118-130) sts. Turn. Leave rem sts on a spare needle.
Cont in pat until back measures same length as Right Front before shoulder shaping, ending on a WS row.

Shape Shoulders:
Cast off 5 (6-7-7-8-8) Sts beg next 10 rows. Cast off 6 (6-3-4-5-8) Sts beg next 2 rows. Cast off rem 30 (28-22-28-28-34) sts.

Left Front and V-neck Shaping:
With RS facing, join appropriate ball of yarn and work in stocking St, taking care to match the colour change stripe in ball to keep colour pattern consistent with Right Front.
Work 2 rows even in pat.
Row 1: (RS). Pat to last 8 Sts. K2tog. (P1. K1) 3 times.
Row 2: Sl1. (K1. P1) twice. K1. Pat to end of row.
Rep last 2 rows 9 (3-6-15-9-14) times more. 38 (46-47-44-54-55) Sts.
Proceed as follows:
Row 1: (RS). Pat to last 8 Sts. K2tog. (P1. K1) 3 times.
Row 2: Sl1. (K1. P1) twice. Pat to end of row.
Row 3: Pat to last 6 Sts. (P1. K1) 3 times.
Row 4: As Row 2.
Rep last 4 rows 5 (8-7-3-7-5) times more. 32 (37-39-40-46-49) sts.
Cont even in pat until armhole measures 9" (9½"-10"-10½"-11"-11½") [23 cm (24 cm-25.5 cm-26.5 cm-28 cm-29 cm)], ending on a WS row.

Step 4

Shape Shoulder:
Next Row: (RS). Cast off 5 (6-7-7-8-8) Sts. Pat to last 6 Sts. (P1. K1) 3 times.
Next Row: Sl1. (K1. P1) twice. K1. Pat to end of row.
Rep last 2 rows 4 times more.
Next Row: (RS). Cast off 6 (6-3-4-5-8) Sts. (1 St rem after cast off). (P1. K1) 3 times.
Work on rem 7 Sts for back neck edging:
Row 1: (WS). Sl1. (K1. P1) 3 times.
Row 2: (K1. P1) 3 times. K1.
Rep last 2 rows for 4" (4"-4"-4¾"-4¾"-5½") [10 cm (10 cm-10 cm-12 cm-12 cm-14 cm)], ending on a RS row. Cast off.

With smaller needle, cast on 39 (43-43-43-51-55) Sts.
Work 6 rows in (K1. P1) ribbing as given for Body and inc 3 Sts evenly across last row. 42 (46-46-46-54-58) Sts.
Change to larger needle.
Row 1: (RS). K2. *P2. K2. Rep from * to end of row.
Row 2: Knit.
Last 2 rows form pat.
Cont in pat and inc 1 St each end of needle on next and every following 4th (4th-4th-4th-4th-4th) row until there are 60 (64-70-82-88-92) sts, then every following 6th (6th-6th-6th-0-0) row until there are 72 (76-80-84-88-92) sts.
Cont even in pat until work from beg measures 16" (16"-17"-17"-15"-14") [40.5 cm (40.5 cm-43 cm-43 cm-38 cm-35.5 cm)], ending on a WS row.
Shape top: Cast off 10 (10-11-11-12-13) Sts beg next 6 rows. Cast off rem 12 (16-14-18-16-14) Sts.

Sew shoulder seams. Sew sleeve seams. Sew in sleeves placing curved edge along sides of armhole.
Sew neck extensions across back neck edge. Sew centre back seam of neck extension.

Step 5

Alt = Alternate(ing)
Beg = Beginning
Cont = Continue(ity)
Dec = Decreasing
Inc = Increasing
K = Knit
K2tog = Knit Next 2 Stitches Together
P = Purl
Pat = Pattern
Rem = Remain(ing)(s)
Rep = Repeat
RS = Right Side
Rnd(s) = Round(s)
Sl1 = Slip Next Stitch Purlwise
Ssk = Slip. Slip. Knit
St(s) = Stitch(es)
WS = Wrong Side

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    • Color: Tidepool
    • Size: 8 oz
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